How to get over financial mistakes

o-STRESSED-WORRIED-WOMAN-STOCK-THINKSTOCK-OWN-facebook-e1398158843278-700x357Today, I have successfully completed Day 7 of the The Budgetnista’s Live Richer Challenge. Oh yes! The Live Richer Challenge is a free, online financial challenge created by The Budgetnista to help women achieve 7 specific financial goals in 36 days. I signed up for it the very day I started this new journey to wealth, thanks to a financial article (can’t remember which now) I was reading online at the time. Personally, I think everyone can sign up for this. 36 days. You’ve got nothing to lose. You won’t become stinking rich at the end of the challenge but it gets you started or re-started on your financial goals with discipline, which is what I want to talk about today. Continue reading